Community Transitions
Money Follows The Person
The Community Transitions Program, formerly known as the Money Follows the Person Program, was created and authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and is a grant-funded program designed to assist Medicaid beneficiaries in transitioning from an institutional setting into a community setting using person-centered practices. Georgia’s Department of Community Health contracts with other state agencies, including the Department of Human Services to administer the grant. A Transition Coordinator will assist with developing an individualized transition plan, identifying supports, and coordinating services to help the person transition into qualified housing in the community of their choice. To make a referral to the Community Transitions Program, formerly known as the Money Follows the Person Program, please contact your local Area Agency on Aging or the MDSQ-Options Counselor for your local county.
- Minimum of 60 consecutive day stay in a nursing facility
- Recipient of Nursing Home Medicaid
- Recipient of Medicaid waiver approval (CCSP, SOURCE, ICWP)
- Qualified housing – own home, family home, apartment with individual lease, personal care home 4 bed or less
- Must meet nursing home level of care (assessment will be completed)
- Security Deposit Payment
- First Month Rent Assistance
- Utility Deposit Payment
- Household Goods and Groceries
- Furnishings
- Medical Equipment
- Medical Supplies
- Personal Support Services
- Caregiver Education
- Transportation
- Moving Services
- Home Modifications
- And More